Do personal training costs outweigh the benefits?

Let’s face it: getting started in fitness can be as confusing as it is intimidating.
Whether you’ve hit a workout rut or are totally new to exercising, it’s hard to know where to start — or how to navigate all the devices and devices.

The beauty of a personal trainer is that he takes all the guesswork out of it, meaning your only job is to show up for yourself. In addition, you can be sure that you are not wasting your time with ineffective exercises or, even worse, that you are at risk of injury.
While personal trainers can seem as intimidating as the gym itself, the reality is they will be your biggest cheerleader. It’s called personal training for a reason: The goal is to get you on the path to your personal fitness goals (and no one else’s!), so you can become the strongest, healthiest version of yourself.

Let’s take a look at the other unparalleled benefits that personal trainers have to offer.

One – Safety first

I hear from people all the time that they should get in shape before coming to the gym, but it’s just the opposite. Getting guidance on proper form and how to properly use equipment is so invaluable. Quality is always better than quantity.

Two – Reach your goals faster

A personal trainer at home maximizes your time and ensures that you spend the limited time you have on the most effective workouts for your goals. It’s totally fine if you don’t know exactly what those goals are – part of their job is to help you find your ‘why’, which keeps you moving forward in the right direction.

Need inspiration for your ‘why’? Remember that exercise helps to fight aging, increase your independence, relieve stress and anxiety, strengthen your brain, strengthen your immune system and make you happier, for starters.

Three – More accountability

When you’re flying solo, it’s all too tempting to skimp on your workouts. But if you have someone on your team who has your back? That changes things.
If your personal trainer devotes their time and energy to creating a personalized training plan for you, you are much more likely to stick to it. It pushes you out of your comfort zone while encouraging you – and that encouragement makes all the difference in keeping you on track for fitness.

Four – Create a lifetime of well-being

By hiring a personal trainer, you’ve already taken the first step in making fitness a priority. From there, the sky is the limit – and research shows that regular exercise not only extends your life expectancy, but also improves your quality of life. With a trained professional at your side, you gain confidence and a strong foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits. The ultimate goal of a personal trainer is to help you grow and become independent. Plus, in these uncertain times, it’s a comforting feeling to know that you’re proactive about taking care of your health.

Five – Personal attention

We all have different bodies, backgrounds, histories, injuries, muscle lengths… the list goes on. Personal trainers specialize in offering regressions, adjustments that make movements softer/more accessible, and progressions, which are ways to make training more challenging. Ultimately, their wealth of knowledge can help you find more effective ways to do things for your unique body.

Reading tip: Personal trainer costs

Six – A mental and emotional pick-me-up

You probably already know that exercise releases endorphins, meaning a consistent routine with a trainer essentially sets you up for a better mood! In addition, you gain more confidence and a greater sense of overall well-being. With plenty of variety and new moves to keep your routine fresh, you’re also less likely to get bored and hit a plateau.
