Do Bach flowers for dogs and cats work? When and how to use them

the Bach flowers can be a valuable aid to support dogs and cats in various behavioral, cognitive and emotional discomforts. It is with this goal that he was born in Italy “Bach Flowers for Dogs and Cats”, the first specialized service in rebalancing the emotions of 4-legged friends, which applies the approach RECS (Relational Emotional Cognitive Systemic). We talked about it with its creator, Francesca Alcinii, doctor in protection of animal welfare and Bach flower consultant for people and animals.

Bach flowers for dogs and cats, how the idea of ​​a dedicated service was born

In devising the method, Dr. Alcinii was inspired by the story of her little dog Nocciolina and the trauma of the earthquake that hit Central Italy in 2016 and 2017. The earthquakes of Accumuli, Norcia and Capitignano created a deep wound also in the dog that during the tremors it remained petrified, even for some time after the seismic episodes. Hence theidea of ​​creating, through “Bach Flowers for Dogs and Cats”, personalized paths on the animal and on the person: thanks to his experience of over 13 years in the dog and feline sector, he has developed his own effective and innovative method. For use in various situations of anxiety, fear, depression and many other ailments.

What are Bach flowers and what do they contain

Bach flowers are natural remedies created by the English pathologist and immunologist Edward Bach designed to improve the emotional well-being and moods of people and animals. These are simple, effective, safe remedies for all animals and people who need to rebalance their emotions. both in acute moments and when for a chronic condition.

Bach identified 38 flower remedies in nature (+1, the rescue remedy, for use in emergency situations). The basic Bach flowers are composed of “energized water” of the flower or shrub and alcohol (brandy), which acts as a preservative. Energized water is obtained through the process of solarization and boiling, conceived by Bach himself.

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When to give them to the dog or cat and for how long

You can give them to your cat or dog whenever the animal experiences a situation of emotional distresssuch as the shock caused by trauma or the temporary stressful condition caused by the vet visit, the storm, the arrival of a guest at home. Whenever the animal experiences a state of discomfort it may be useful to give a Bach remedy, suitable for that situation. The paths to rebalance emotions are very personal, there are no standard practices or a maximum or minimum time of administration. The treatment will last as long as it takes for the dog or cat to return to balance.

Should the choice of the right flower be made by a specialist?

To choose the flower and, consequently, the right remedy to use to rebalance the emotions of the dog or cat it is necessary to know both the flowers and their properties, and the ethology of the animal or the way in which a species manifests its discomfort. There The right person to turn to is therefore a Bach flower consultant for animals. In my service, in particular, I wanted to give great importance to this phase of analysis of the dog or catbecause it allows me to make the right choices that suit your needs.

What is the RECS approach

My analysis, in fact, is based onRECS approach (Relational Emotional Cognitive Systemic)which arises from the combination of my studies on animal welfare, which allows me to evaluate the behavior, mind, organic appearance and emotions of the animal. The analysis of these aspects gives me a complete picture of the psycho-physical condition of the dog or cat and allows me to provide a specific path for its needs.

How Bach flowers work

First of all it is important to underline two aspects: since it is a very personalized path, there are no standard routesd. THE Bach flowers bring negative emotions back into balance by strengthening their corresponding positive sideso if you are afraid they awaken your courage, if you are suspicious they strengthen your confidence, if you are agitated they restore calm and so on.

They are not an alternative to veterinarian care

There flower therapy never replaces veterinary medical therapy, it does not cure a disease or symptom (for example, lack of appetite). THE Bach flowers do not cure, but act on the emotions of the dog or cat. When faced, for example, with a cat or a dog with no appetite, the cause of this symptom must therefore be investigated. Is it about fear? Having a hard time adapting after a move? We must not consider the symptom, but the state of mind that causes this problem. Finally, we consider that animals, just like us, do not experience a single emotion at a time, but they are complex beings. Often, in fact, they will not need just one remedy, but one mixture of flowers chosen on the basis of the moods and unbalanced emotions they will feel at that precise moment of their life.

