Djammen: a brave choice by May & June

A leap of faith, but also a dream come true. The freedom to make music and to make a living from that music. Many artists dream of it, but only a handful take the plunge. Yora and Anouk Triezenberg, aka May & June, are making that leap this summer.

“We have quit our jobs and from May 1 we will go full-time for our music. To share our songs as much as possible and to get to as many places in the Netherlands as possible,” says Anouk proudly.

She has quit her job as a teaching assistant. “We already have some performances,” says Yora. “That gives us some certainty.” The ladies are looking forward to the freedom to make music to their heart’s content all summer long. Giving up their jobs also coincides nicely with the album that is in the works.

Since the last time they were with Djammen, then still in the attic, the ladies have expanded their oeuvre. “We continued to write our own songs,” says Anouk. “We went to Simon Keizer and he actually gave us a bit of a kick in the ass: go into the studio. That stayed with us a bit as an idea, as a dream.”

After the visit to Simon Keizer, of the duo Nick and Simon, Yora and Anouk had a switch. “If we want to, we have to take that step ourselves, so we have now gone to the studio to record our own songs,” says Anouk. “Our first Dutch album”, Yora adds. An exciting first step. “You will soon be giving something very personal as a gift and that also feels vulnerable.”

The album should eventually result in a CD, but making a CD costs money. “There is a lot involved,” says Yora. “More than we thought.” The singer is a graphic designer and will make the design for the album herself, so that already saves costs. “In our head it is actually already finished, it just needs to be realized”, Anouk laughs.

In addition to the design, however, enough costs remain. “We started a crowdfunding for that, so people can now support us with it,” she says. Her sister complements her. “That’s going well. We’re about half way now.” The album contains ten dreamy songs, about homesickness and of course love. Until April 22, people can support the duo with a contribution on their crowdfund page
Look at here the full cellar sessions with May & June.
