DJ Hardwell appointed honorary citizen of Breda

DJ Hardwell has been appointed honorary citizen of Breda. Just before his set at the Breda Live festival, he was surprised by mayor Depla. Not just any title: only two other Breda residents who are still alive can call themselves honorary citizens of the city.

The DJ from Breda is known in everyday life as Robbert van de Corput and as Hardwell he has a laundry list of special achievements to his name. He is known all over the world as DJ Hardwell and was twice named the best DJ in the world by DJ MAG. It has won all kinds of international prizes and awards and is one of the most famous Dutch export products.

In addition to those great achievements, Hardwell was born, raised and still lives in Breda. A city that he feels very connected to and talks about with pride, that is what mayor Depla mentioned as the reason for awarding him honorary citizenship: “If you call Hardwell, then Breda often follows in the same breath. Robbert puts Breda on the international stage. card with his talent, his achievements, but also by speaking with pride about our city. Breda is just as proud of him as he is of our city.”
