DJ and producer Siki Martina (31) passed away | Stars

“We promised each other many things. One of them was that we would grow old together,” begins Sarita, who is participating in the TV program this season Dear Singers, her message. “As I finish, I’m typing this with tears rolling down my cheeks and sheer disbelief, because every time I feel like you’re going to come home and greet me with a kiss.”

“Never again… Never again your sweet words, never again your warm hugs, never again being able to feel your love or hear your ‘I love you’. My heart is crying and I’m breaking down. When you left, a big part of me died with you. Until we meet again. Rest in peace Papi, love you.”

According to various media, Siki Martina would have died in a shooting incident in Rotterdam, but the authorities have not confirmed this. The Rotterdam police do confirm that a 31-year-old man died on Sunday evening in a shooting at the Coolhaven metro station in Rotterdam.
