Divorce: Kanye West wants Kim Kardashian’s marriage contract voided

Divorce: Kanye West wants Kim Kardashian’s marriage contract voided

First, Kanye West fired his fourth divorce lawyer, Chris Melcher. Now he wants to annul the marriage contract between himself and his estranged wife Kim Kardashian.

West and Kardashian have officially split since February 2021. At least that’s when Kardashian filed the divorce papers. Since then, the separation of the two has developed into a real mud fight. On the one hand, the rapper is constantly shooting around angrily, on the other hand, he is trying to win back his past love Kim Kardashian.

The list of allegations against his ex is long. Beginning with the kidnapping of their daughter Chicago, West recently accused Kardashian of claiming he was planning an attack on her. In addition, there are several threats of violence in the form of song lyrics or SMS against Kardashian’s new friend Pete Davidson.

Marriage contract is ‘invalid’ in the state of California

The tabloid magazine “TMZ” reports that the marriage contract is being questioned by West’s lawyers. They have submitted documents to the divorce court to contest the legality of the contract. The claim: Prenuptial agreements entered into after 2002 are invalid in the state of California.

In a court document, Kardashian said she “desperately wants a divorce.” Her estranged husband, West, had caused significant “emotional distress” to the family after, among other things, sharing a lot of misinformation on social media.
