Divided left and right in Wijk aan Zee, but not about the future of Tata Steel

Tata Steel is again an important topic in the House of Representatives elections. Two-thirds of North Hollanders would like the sustainability drive to go a lot faster, but what do the immediate neighbors of the company, the Wijk aan Zeeërs, actually think? We asked them at the polling station in De Moriaan sports hall.

The national battle between a few major parties is also causing tension among voters in Wijk aan Zee. Several left-oriented voters tell NH Nieuws, for example, that their heart actually lies with the Party for the Animals, but that the strategic choice today falls on GroenLinks-PvdA.

A gentleman who votes VVD starts his sentence with: “It creates ten thousand jobs…”, before finishing his sentence with: “… but there is something to be said about the beauty”, by which he means on reducing polluting emissions.

A lady who votes GroenLinks-PvdA reverses that order. She says: “It needs to be a lot cleaner, but to say that the company has to go differently is going too far for me.”
