Disturbing step back from Spain in Glasgow

Overwhelmed by a frenzied rival, the Spanish team offered worrying signs at Hampden Park. He found no reason to compete against a team that was not too bright, but devoted to intense, physical and vertical football. Scotland liquidated Spain in Glasgow quite deservedly and leads group A qualifying for the Eurocup.

The team lacked game and character. He had no ideas to break the defensive framework of Scotland, nor hit to put the Scottish goalkeeper in trouble. In melee Scotland fared better; or at least, more determined.

Scottish football, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary these days, does not deceive: it is vertical, intense and physical, in addition to the 50,000 fans who cheer from the stands without rest. Too much for Spain, which took a worrying step back after beating Norway on the first day.

There were no Barça players in the starting eleven of the selection: strange news in a team that in recent years has always allowed itself to be imbued with the Barça style. The Spain of De la Fuente is multicolored (ten teams represented in the line-up) and boasts of having a very varied catalog, in opposition to the inalienable style of Luis Enrique’s stage.

But the selection had no plan A or plan B. Undecided, unable to recognize itself, Spain was at the mercy of Scotland from the opening whistle. With a basic but highly internalized plan (three central defenders, five defenders in retreat), Scotland wrested the ball from Spain and he looked at Kepa’s goal with determination.

McTominay, a hammer

It was not surprising that the goal from the British team arrived soon. It was marked by McTominay, an excellent hitter, after an untimely slip from Pedro Porro, who slipped when he had won the position against Robertson. The Liverpool man took advantage of the error to see the arrival of his teammate’s second line, who finished off a goal. Only six minutes had been played.

It took a world for Spain to really get into the game. The game between the lines of Ceballos, who was desperately looking for partners, was insufficient against the robust and direct football of the Scots. Christie was about to sign the second after traveling almost 30 meters alone, without opposition, but his shot went just wide.

As soon as the selection was settled, the game began to fulfill the planned script. The outlook improved. Spain recovered the ball and began to put the Scottish goalkeeper in trouble. At first, with crosses into the area, looking for Joselu, who hit the crossbar in the 23rd minute.

Balls into the area with Joselu as a reference

In the absence of combinative play, Spain preferred to hang balls into the area, with Joselu as a reference. In his first game as a starter for the national team, just turned 33, the Espanyol striker beat the coppers with all his rivals. He did not refuse any battle, but he had no luck in the auction.

As Spain improved, Ceballos seemed to lose weight in the team’s game. His talent is indisputable (this team doesn’t have another player like him, talented especially in the last pass), but in Glasgow he lacked continuity. Spain also missed the best version of Oyarzabal, who is still not who he was before his injury.

Scotland knew how to turn the game into a battle. It is not a subtle or delicate team; nor does he need. Their games are bloody, with strong legs and mud, and Spain usually plays with ballet shoes. There are parties that demand to move in the trenchesand Hampden’s was one of them, but Spain did not know how to read it.

Carvajal’s mistake

In the second half -which began with the fourth referee replacing the main one, injured-, De la Fuente opted for Carvajal and Nico Williams, but things got worse for the team. The Real Madrid full-back lost an incomprehensible ball to Tierney, who unceremoniously overtook him in the race. The Scotsman crossed, and after a rebound, McTominay scored again. A great arrival, the United player signed a double almost without meaning to. Spain was beginning to get a very bad face in Glasgow.

De la Fuente desperately called Iago Aspas, who entered for Mikel Merino. He also brought on Borja Iglesias, instead of an exhausted Joselu. Spain tried with the speed of Nico on the wing and the inside game of Aspas, but had no ideas. He offered a deteriorated version of what he had offered days before in Malaga. Not even the entry of Gavi, a player of character, helped the team get even close to drawing.

much to improve

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Incomprehensibly, Spain was caught off guard by the intensity and courage of the Scots. Faced with such a rival, the team did not have the ability to braid the game and win from possession, nor is it flexible enough to win in melee. The selection ended up upended in the rival goal, but the Scottish defense repelled all the attempts of Spain without too many complications.

De la Fuente’s second game left a bad taste in the mouth: Spain is a team under construction with a lot to improve. The qualifying group, of only five teams, gives them a certain margin, but football does not forgive mistakes or timorous teams.
