Distribute the water in a steady stream and timer in the shower | Inland

Nieuw onderzoek, uitgevoerd door wetenschappers van three British universities with expertise in duurzaamheid, onthult dat krachtigere douchestralen suffer tot lesser waterverlies. The researchers observed 39 weeks of water consumption in 290 showers on the campus of the University of Surrey, which resulted in 86,000 showers.

The bevindingen also have a strong shower stream, which is paired with a larger water stream, with 60% less water consumption. This means that there is no shower per se, so you can stop when you have a warning that it will be lifted so that it can be cleaned thoroughly.

An opvallende aanbeveling uit the onderzoek is the use of a zichtbaar klokje in the shower, which results in bijna driekwart water saving, often 16.9 liters per medium shower. This makes it possible to be aware of the real-time monitoring of the shower and the importance of the role played in reducing the excessive water consumption.

Thanks to the help of the onderzoekers, the behouden of a water-saving shower head and steeds a wise strategy can be achieved. This means that the water supply can be reduced, so that the wetenschappers fail for a wider focus.
