Disruptions on Telia’s website and mobile certificate

Websites do not open and logging in with a mobile certificate is not possible due to a general malfunction.

The disturbances started after noon.

Telia’s website is malfunctioning.

The disturbances started a little before 1:00 PM on Monday. At the same time, a fault has also started in the operation of the mobile certificate, which, according to Telia, is linked to a general disturbance. For this reason, logging in with Telia’s mobile certificate is not possible.

The Telia.fi website either does not open or does not display content. There are also problems with logging into services such as Minun Telia portal. Because of these problems, customer service staff in stores, for example, are also unable to perform all the usual procedures.

However, the fault does not affect the operation of the mobile network.

It is reported from Telia that it was immediately checked that it was not an external attack. We try to find out and fix the problem as quickly as possible.
