Dispute between families escalates – mass brawl!

A police car in action (symbolic photo)

A patrol car in action (symbolic photo) Photo: wst sv

From the BZ editorial team

A dispute between two families in Berlin-Kreuzberg escalated on Friday evening. According to the police, up to 20 people hit each other at Mehringplatz around 7:30 p.m.

According to witness statements, a 33-year-old initially argued loudly with several people, while more and more people joined in. The reason for the dispute is said to have been a conflict between two families in the neighborhood.

During the argument, a man is said to have fired a blank gun and threatened other people with the weapon, whereupon a fight broke out.

A 33-year-old told police he had a stab wound to his back. He was taken to a hospital. Other men aged 20, 23 and 28 were also injured by cuts. The police identified an 18-year-old who lived nearby as another person involved.

As the police announced, another argument broke out with up to 30 people during the investigation. More emergency services had to be called in, whereupon the crowd dispersed.

The police are investigating a particularly serious breach of the peace.


Currently Berlin police large family brawl
