“Displacing the powerful: how you can influence the destiny of the country”

Some of my articles in Noticias Magazine explore the crisis of representation, governance and education, reflecting institutional and social problems in an international context marked by contradictions and tensions, often taken advantage of by those who benefit from them. Both in politics and in business they know how to use emotionality to their advantage.

In this complex current context, the demands are heterogeneous, unlike times with clear ideological poles and focus on specific issues, such as “defense of nationalization” or “freedom of markets and individualism.” Institutions currently address issues related to the human sphere and global responsibilities, including environmental protection.

This influences projects and policies, demanding a comprehensive approach and a detailed analysis of its recipients. It is crucial to interpret current events under a multilateral system that seeks to resolve pillars such as sustainable development, peace, security and human rights, without invading freedom.

We must recognize the importance of Citizen Participation as an institutional, national and international tool, avoiding repeating failed patterns in public policies, guaranteeing rights for all, dignity and equality, strengthening democracy and vindicating the citizen as a subject of law.

In the face of mistrust and silenced voices, the need to be heard arises. Representing everyone becomes crucial. It is time for each citizen to be more than a mere spectator, to be an active part of the change that they long for and deserve to see. (If something needs to be deleted, this paragraph can be edited).

For it to work, manipulation and fanaticism must be changed for education, empowerment and freedom. There are different forms of participation, such as NGOs, but the political sector must begin to review the constitutional mechanisms.

I work to strengthen citizen participation from the political, social, institutional and legal perspective, rethinking the analysis of the legality and contradictions of instruments and mechanisms for participation and defense of rights, which are insufficient or difficult to guarantee their exercise. For example, in Argentina, the popular consultation is inapplicable, a regrettable situation in a country with crossroads and distrust in politics.

For all the above, it is urgent to investigate and use methodological tools to develop citizen engagement strategies, integrating multi-level approaches in governmental and non-governmental processes.”


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