‘Dismissed’ Babette van Veen is already returning in GTST | NOW

Babette van Veen makes six months after her forced departure Good times Bad Times her return in the long-running RTL 4 soap series. Her character Linda Dekker can be seen again from next week, the actress announced on Sunday in RTL Boulevard

Van Veen, who could already be seen in the first episode in 1990, heard last year that she was being written out of the series. The last episode in which she could still be seen was broadcast in December.

She really didn’t see her coming back now. “I had packed my things, I had said goodbye. I had a drink, had dinner, had a gold watch. And I left,” said Van Veen, who suddenly received an email a while after her goodbye with the question if she wanted to come and “talk”. “Of course I wanted to!”

Van Veen was disappointed with departure

It is not clear how long Van Veen may stay. “I can say that I will not be gone today or tomorrow. Furthermore, we have to look at what they want with the character.”

After her forced departure, Van Veen made it clear that she was sorry that she was not allowed to continue. At the time, she said in the media that she was “a tad offended” that she was being written out of the series.

In the broadcast of Sunday, Boulevard also revealed that actor Kees Boot will have a role in GTST. He plays the new GP of soap village Meerdijk.
