Discovering Counselling: the experience of Majo López

The story of Majo López is one of those stories of overcoming that inspire us to keep going. Born in San Nicolás 41 years ago into a large family where everything was a great effort, Majo was shy and had trouble speaking in public. However, according to her, she recounts: “over the years, my security became greater and I liked to stay for hours talking with the mother of friends and grandmothers, I was always interested in listening and accompanying the other”.

After arriving in Buenos Aires at the age of 19 and having worked for 15 years at L’Oréal and Alfaparf Milano, at the age of 35 Majo decided to fulfill one of his dreams and study Psychology. This is how he discovered the discipline of counseling or Psychological Consulting, which is present in more than 50 countries and in Argentina for 37 years.

“Counseling intervenes in the area of ​​prevention and promotion of human development, it does not act in fields where there are already other professions that provide care to patients such as psychotherapy, for example. The help will be aimed at people who need a moment of listening and accompaniment to understand, improve their problems, make decisions or make changes in some aspects of their lives. Counseling is an opportunity to develop the inherent potential of the person, so that they can recognize their own”, explains Majo who, today He is a counselor and offers personalized attention in office and online, guidance, prevention and support to understand and improve their problems, make decisions or make changes in some aspects of their lives.In addition, his training allows him to care for adolescents, adults, the elderly , in vital crises and in mourning processes.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​becoming a counselor?

After having worked for many years in the world of beauty, I felt the need to do something that was pending and from the bowels: psychology. After researching, I discovered Counseling, a discipline that allowed me to help people through listening and accompaniment without having to work in fields where there are already other professions that provide care to patients, such as psychotherapy, for example.

– What is your training and how have you applied it in your practice as a counselor?

I attended the First Argentine School of Counseling PEAC in Sánchez Bodas y Berneman, where Lic. Sánchez Bodas himself incorporated the degree to our country in 1987. Currently, I have an official degree, endorsed by the Ministry of Education.

In my practice as a Counselor, I apply what I have learned in my training, which allows me to provide personalized attention, guidance, prevention, holistic listening and accompaniment to people who need it.

– What services do you offer and how do you differ from others who carry out the same activity?

What differentiates me from others who carry out the same activity is that my training allows me to care for adolescents, adults, and the elderly in life crises and in mourning processes. And I am particularly specialized in pregnant women and the puerperium, training that I completed with Lic. Ivana Moyano, an expert psychologist on the subject, which allows me to offer a more specific and special approach.

– What is your most immediate project?

In principle, to install my office in the North zone, Tigre and surroundings.

Cell: 1159135248

Ig: @majolopezcounselor

LinkedIn: Maria Jose Lopez

Mail: [email protected]


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