Discover the toughest cross in the Netherlands: OER.cross Havelterberg

It is the toughest cross in the Netherlands and is seen by former participants as one of the most beautiful: the OER.cross. Photo: supplied

You walk through sand, down hill after hill and make many turns. And all this through a wooded area on the Defense Havelte-West training area in Havelterberg. The OER.cross will be held on February 10. New this year is that there will also be a competition for the Northern Netherlands Championship.

It is the toughest cross in the Netherlands and is seen by former participants as one of the most beautiful. The OER.cross will be organized on February 10, 2024 by AV de Sprinter from Meppel.

New this year is the Northern Netherlands Cross Championship as part of the OER.cross Havelterberg. It is an Open Northern Dutch cross country championship. This means that the winner of each distance can call himself Northern Netherlands champion. So no matter which province you come from.

Registration is only possible digitally via until February 9, 2024.
