discover the major e-commerce trends to follow in the coming months

Summer is often a slow period for online sales sites due to the short time spent in front of our screens. Nevertheless, it is possible to take advantage of these few weeks to test new commercial and marketing strategies in order to prepare for the following months.

To do this, it is necessary to look at the latest trends and changes in consumer habits. The objective is to succeed in anticipating the needs and desires of buyers in order to offer them the necessary solution.

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To discover very recent data on the purchase journey of consumers, Bloomreach, the world’s first Commerce Experience Cloud, invites you to its quarterly webinar, Commerce Pulse. This conference, which will be held in English, will be held on Wednesday July 13, 2022 at 5 p.m. This is an opportunity to learn about developments in the e-commerce sector.


Understand where e-commerce stands today

To identify developments in the e-commerce sector, Bloomreach has collected and deciphered data from more than 500 companies using its platform. The company focused on the purchasing behavior of their customers on the web. The objective is to identify changes in their way of consuming and procuring products. With declining purchasing power due to multiple political, economic and social issues, consumption habits are likely to be very different from those observed in the last quarter.

For this reason, the experts will share with you the insights to remember to fully understand all these changes. They will go down all the key metrics and what they imply for specific geographical areas, for key performance indicators (KPIs) as well as for certain user segments.

All of this data will allow you to better understand where e-commerce is today and the developments to come in the coming months. They will be useful for you to create your future sales and marketing strategy and design the right customer experience.


Identify consumer needs, preferences and expectations

The objective of this online event is to identify the emerging needs of consumers, as well as their new desires in terms of purchase: clothing and shoes, luxury products, furniture, electronic devices, etc. Certain items particularly arouse their interest. For this reason, specialists will reveal to you the most popular product categories.

To do this, they will analyze their traffic, their number of sales and their conversion rate compared to the first quarter of 2022. These will be very recent and very precise metrics. The goal is that you can use them immediately to put in place an effective strategy from the start of the summer, and which will be effective throughout the coming months.

Several experts will take part in this webconference on July 13, 2022 to help you discover the major e-commerce trends to follow in the coming months. Among them, Brian Walker, the Chief Strategy Officer of Bloomreach. With more than twenty years of experience in digital commerce, he has a great knowledge of this market. He will therefore be able to decipher the figures and trends that will be presented, and to have a perspective on all these transformations.

Richard Berkman, Global Leader of Digital Commerce at IBM iX, will be at his side. He has a solid background in e-commerce, business design and customer experience. In 1997, he orchestrated the first online transaction from space when he allowed astronauts to do their Christmas shopping from the stars.

Michelle DeMaio, Corporate Communications Manager and Jean Lestréhan, Marketing Automation Specialist at Bloomreach, will host this conference alongside them.

As you will have understood, the Commerce Pulse organized by Bloomreach is the event not to be missed this summer. It will allow you to be one step ahead of the evolution of consumer desires. This way, you can quickly create the right offer for their needs. This is essential to distinguish yourself from your competitors and boost your business. To discover the latest data from the e-commerce sector, don’t forget to register for this webinar.

