Disappointment prevails at Steven Bergwijn: ‘But I’m happy to play again’ | Dutch football

For a moment Bergwijn seemed to be the hero of the match. With a brilliant goal he rewarded his team for a strong opening phase of Ajax. But the record purchase was not happy about the result (3-5 defeat against PSV): ,,That’s football, we learn from that.”

“Cunt result”, was Bergwijn’s first conclusion in front of the camera of ESPN. ,,But”, he added immediately. ,,I’m happy to play ninety minutes. I also wanted to play this game.”

The attacker came over from Tottenham Hotspur, where he was only allowed to play more than half in rare situations. The saved energy came out immediately. In addition to being quite present, he also scored the 1-0 in a beautiful way. ,,He was comfortable in it, yes”, he admitted soberly. ,,I got the ball from Wijndal, and yes, just go in and take it out. I train a lot on it.”

He did not want to talk extensively about the result. ,,We started well and strong, but then gave it away. That is football and we learn from that. We’re going to look at the footage tomorrow and work on it.”

Daley Blind

Daley Blind confirmed that there are things to work on: ,,You have to get the crosses out as much as possible, and we didn’t. When Til walks into the penalty area, someone must follow. I also do that when a striker was away from me.”

And whether PSV deserved to win? ,,I don’t think so”, said Blind. ,,They make 1-1 out of the blue and then 1-2, there they take advantage of our individual mistakes. But they were not necessarily the better team. We will come too back, but after the red card from Bassey you know it’s going to be very difficult.”

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