Disappointment after church choice for Medemblik: “I think it’s outrageous”

The news that the Sint Martinuskerk in Medemblik has been chosen as the main church for the Wervershoof parish region has caused disappointed reactions in Andijk, Wervershoof and Onderdijk. It means that the churchgoers from these villages will soon have to go to Medemblik to attend a service.

Churches of Wervershoof, Andijk and Onderdijk – NH News

The choice was announced last Saturday in Sarto in Andijk. At the push of a button, Medemblik emerged as the ‘winning’ church. With this, the merger with parish Maria Middelares of all Graces in Andijk, parish Saint Gerardus Majella in Onderdijk and parish Sint Werenfridus in Wervershoof is a fact.

It was not an easy decision for the diocese, as witnessed by the extensive run-up of some 17 years. Because they knew in advance: three of the four churches will be disappointed. And it shows, because in Wervershoof there is little understanding for the choice. “I think it’s outrageous,” says Riet Terpstra. “Everything is already going to Medemblik. A lot of older people can’t even go to Medemblik.”

The church building means a lot to her. “The church is the face, the heart of Wervershoof. When we come back from vacation and you see the church, you know: ‘We are home again’. We also call it the Dom of West Friesland.”

Fellow villager Martijn Pennekamp also questions the choice. “All my 4 children were baptized in this church, took communion there and the oldest three were formed there. I don’t know yet whether I will have the youngest formed in Medemblik. The church in Wervershoof feels familiar to me. What is also striking: the children who take communion come from the churches from the collaboration with Andijk, Onderdijk and Medemblik, but there is never a child from Medemblik.”

For better or worse

The new situation is prompted by declining church attendance and high costs. The partnership does want to keep the current parishes for so-called joy and sorrow meetings, for churchgoers who cannot travel to Medemblik. At least until another destination is found for the church buildings. Funerals will also be held there for the time being.

One of those present last Saturday was Andijker Ruud Sijm. He regularly visits the church in Andijk. “Luckily I have a car, but many older people don’t. And they don’t go to Medemblik by bike. Moreover, parking is difficult there and you have to walk quite a distance. That doesn’t help either. It will take some getting used to, but maybe it along.”

“The church is the face, the heart of Wervershoof”

Riet Terpstra from Wervershoof

Andijker Bert Tesselaar had found Wervershoof a more logical choice. “Because it is more central, for Andijk, Onderdijk and Medemblik. But it is arranged from above, we have nothing to say about that,” he points to the diocese. “I’m not going there, maybe when I die. But I’ll see that again.”

They will also not soon see Frans Terpstra from Wervershoof in Sint Martinus. “My farewell service in Medemblik? No, I’m not going there.”

This is a message from the joint West Frisian news editors

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