Disappointment about the lack of traditional King’s Day fireworks show in Amsterdam

Last night dozens of people stood in vain at the Sloterplas in Amsterdam Nieuw-West for the traditional fireworks show that was given there every year at the end of King’s Day (formerly Queen’s Day). When a little after 10 p.m. it turned out that nothing was going on, the disappointment was great.

For about sixty years, a fireworks show has been given every year above the Sloterplas at the end of King’s Day, but last night, just like the two years before, it remained silent. “It was a deep disappointment,” said Joyce, 63, who has attended the show every year since childhood. “After ten minutes everyone quietly returned home.”

The show was also canceled for the previous two years, but it was thought that this was because of the pandemic. Nothing is further from the truth: “It is no longer allowed,” says chairman Joop Oudshoorn of the Orange Committee Amsterdam, who always organized the show. “The municipality has banned the show.”

AT5/NH Amsterdam has asked the municipality for a response, but has not received one.
