Disappointing European Championship for North Holland judokas: no medals achieved

The European Judo Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria, were disappointing for the North Holland participants. Heemskerker Frank de Wit did not make it through the second round on Saturday, while debutante Pleuni Cornelisse from Schagen was eliminated in the first match on Friday. Judoka Tornike Tsjakadoea from Amstelveen lost in the quarterfinals and the repechage.

Frank de Wit is very disappointed after the loss in the second round against Giacomo Gamba – Orange Pictures / Nikola Krstic

De Wit (up to 81 kilograms) received a bye in the first round and went through to the second round without taking action. The 26-year-old Heemskerker lost on Saturday to the Italian Giacomo Gamba. The North Hollander was a favorite in advance, but still lost in extra time due to a waza-ari.

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Tornike Chakadua in battle with Daniel Leutgeb – Orange Pictures / Nikola Krstic

No bronze plaque

There was slightly more success on Friday for Tsjakadoea, who competed in the category up to 60 kilograms. The judoka from Amstelveen defeated Portuguese Rodrigo Lopes in the first round and Daniel Leutgeb from Austria in the eighth finals. The 25-year-old won both matches with waza-ari.

The Georgian Lukhumi Chkhvimiani proved too strong in the quarterfinals, so that Chakadua was sentenced to a second chance for a bronze medal. In it, the North Hollander lost to Balabaj Aghajev from Azerbaijan on ippon and so missed out on bronze.

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The 22-year-old Cornelisse (up to 57 kilograms) made her debut at the European Championships. De Schagense had no luck in her draw for the first round, because she was directly linked to Daria Bilodid. The Ukrainian took bronze in Tokyo at the Olympics last summer, won two world titles and was the best in Europe twice. Bilodid eventually defeated the North Holland player via ippon.

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