Disappearance and death of Esther López

02/08/2022 at 05:00


Three men lead the investigation of the disappearance and death of Esther Lópezwhich occurred in the early hours of January 12 at the exit of his town, Traspinedo (Valladolid). A neighbor found his body last Saturday. on the side of the road, very close to La Maña restaurant, next to the National 122.

Pending the final results of the autopsy, the Civil Guard continues the investigation into eleven neighbors, although there are three those who focus all the investigations. These are, as CASO ABIERTO has reconstructed, the investigation and events channel of Prensa Ibérica, the reasons why they are under scrutiny.

Carol and Oscar

Charles, known as ‘Carolo’, is separated and has two children. She has a conflictive past and links with the owners of the La Maña restaurant. In fact, she still lives very close to the premises. The night Esther disappeared, her children were sleeping in the house.

Óscar is very close to Inés, Esther’s sister. He is separated and is the father of a daughter. He works in a family business, a travel agency in Valladolid, where his parents and he live. In addition, he has a house in the El Romeral urbanization, very close to the scene of Esther’s disappearance. That night he claims that he slept alone there. He has never had any problem with the law.

The two are the last people seen with Esther López the morning she died. The three were at the Castillo de Traspinedo bar celebrating Real Madrid’s victory against Barcelona in the football Super Cup. Óscar was also playing slot machines. You paid with your credit card drinks and also an advance to continue playing. According to witnesses, the three left the premises around half past two in the morning.

Oscar and Carlos they lied in their first statements. They said that from the bar they had gone directly to the La Maña restaurant area. ‘Carolo’ lives very close to there, and would have gone downstairs to go to sleep. She had her two children waiting at home. Then, Óscar would have left with Esther by car and they would have turned right.

In fact, the research found that the three went from the bar to an area known as Las Bodegas, located near Esther’s house and where they stayed for just over half an hour. The two men deny that anything violent happened there. One of them has stated that they were “smoking”.

Zero zone

According to the Civil Guard reconstruction, the two men and Esther finally arrived in the La Maña area around half past three in the morning. ‘Carolo’ insists that he went home and Óscar defends that Esther wanted to continue the party, but he was tired and had to work the next day. what then they argued and she got out of the car. In a statement she adds that her friend told her that she had been with another man.

The owners of Bar La Maña affirm that at that time the place was closed, although some testimonies collected by the investigators indicate that they saw “lights” that they do not know where to locate whether in the restaurant or in the parking lot.

The images of the security cameras only offer “balls of light”, and they do not allow the identification of the vehicles, something similar to what already happened in the case of the disappearance and murder of the young Diana Quer.

ten key minutes

Esther López’s mobile phone places her in that same ground zero at 5:40 in the morning, two hours and ten minutes after she was supposedly left alone. Investigators think it was she and not someone else who used the phone at that time. At ten minutes to sixa relative calls her, but the mobile no longer responds.

Ramon ‘the handyman’

According to the researchers, Oscar He did not go to work to the Valladolid travel agency the next day. He also did not contact Esther’s family until Sunday.

‘Carolo’ was indeed in the hunt for the woman. It was he who pointed to Ramón el Handyman, the third man in this story, as the person who could know something about Esther. It was also ‘Carolo’ who commented to the Civil Guard that ‘the Handyman’ had told him that he had spoken with Esther several days after her disappearance.

The Civil Guard then set their sights on Ramón, a guy who also lives very close to the area of ​​Esther’s disappearance. He has a record for a fight and gender violence. They saw that he was dealing drugs from his car. They also learned that the covid had passed shortly before and that she planned to go to Cuba to get married.

They arrested him and his house and car were searched, without finding any remains of the woman. He is free and remains under investigation. Like the other two, he maintains his innocence. He also denies having seen Esther that night. The last.


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