Dirk Zeelenberg states that Yvonne is talking nonsense, says Paul de Leeuw

Dirk Zeelenberg shrugs off all the negative stories that circulate about him. He states that Yvonne Coldeweijer is talking nonsense about him. And Paul de Leeuw? He doesn’t look at that.

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Divorce actor Dirk Zeelenberg is under fire for recording a disrespectful and snooty video at the wedding of two clients. He is the most famous wedding official in the country, but rumors have it that he is rather out of touch. For example, in that video he was complaining about the wedding location of that day, some Bastion hotel.

Dirk responds

Paul de Leeuw finds the video disgusting; he would never call Dirk to hire him as a wedding officiant. What does he think about that? He only wants to waste eleven words on it. “I have not seen it. I really don’t watch those things.”

According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, Dirk is a dragon of a guy and sometimes refuses weddings if the future couple stays in a cheaper hotel. Nonsense, he responds Weekend. “That’s all nonsense! No, are you crazy? So much is being said, I’m not even going to respond to it. I never did that.”

‘Nothing to do with!’

Dirk would also just come to a two-star hotel, he says. “Naturally! That has nothing to do with it at all. Am I a spoiled BABS? Not at all. Just ask any married couple, they know that. Those people also really liked the TikTok video. The bridal couple themselves thought it was crazy.”

According to Dirk, it is all satire. “It’s just a poorly played video, but it’s clear to me that it was a joke. Of course I’m not going to comb a location. It was just satire. I sometimes hear stories, but I’m not going to respond to them. I basically haven’t responded to gossip since I was 16.”


Despite all the negative reports, Dirk says he is still extremely popular. “Yes, I have many weddings scheduled, including abroad. No fewer than four in Curaçao! I like that very much.”
