Dirk Nowitzki kicks again with Mick Schumacher

Champions for Charity is back: three years after the last benefit game in honor of Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher, his son Mick and his team are back on the soccer field against a team led by basketball idol Dirk Nowitzki.

The fourth edition of the kick for a good cause will take place on August 24th in the Deutsche Bank Park in Frankfurt.

“I think it’s great that we’re rekindling the game and I probably need to start training now so I can look good with my team against Dirk and his squad,” said Mick Schumacher.

Four-time Formula 1 world champion Sebastian Vettel will be at his side.

“Many commitments from top athletes”

Nowitzki is happy “about the many commitments from top athletes”, they are already “working hard on the team line-ups”.

The Rio world champions Lukas Podolski and Mats Hummels are there, as well as Moritz Fürste, Olympic hockey champion in 2008 and 2012, and Christian Schwarzer, handball world champion in 2007.

The event took place in Mainz in 2016 and 2017, and in Leverkusen in 2019. A game planned for 2020 had been canceled due to Corona.
