Director Stintum ‘happy’ with prosecution after fatal Stint accident

Stint founder Edwin Renzen is happy that five years after the fatal accident with the ‘electric wagon’, more will become clear about what exactly happened that day. He says this in response to the decision of the Public Prosecution Service to prosecute two companies and two directors responsible for the production and sale of the Stint. Renzen is one of the directors who are being prosecuted.

According to the judiciary, the Stint is a ‘harmful product’. “The suspects knew about the damage, but kept silent about it.” Renzen says that he cannot yet respond substantively to the decision to prosecute. He needs to study that further.

Don’t brake
On September 20, 2018, four children were killed when the Stint they were in was hit by a train at a level crossing in Oss. A fifth child and their companion were seriously injured.

The 3000 Stints that were driving in the Netherlands at the time were taken off the road quite quickly after this accident. Investigations have never revealed why the Stint was unable to brake at the level crossing in Oss. An investigation showed that the attendant had done everything possible to stop the vehicle. Reports later emerged that the Stints had never been allowed on the road due to various defects and a false hallmark.

Five years after the accident in Oss, owner Edwin Renzen is relieved that an independent body will pass judgment on the safety of the Stint from then. Since 2020, an improved example, the BSO bus, has been driving through the Netherlands again. This does meet all the conditions.

The negative research results about the safety of the outdated Stint have been known for some time. Based on this, the Public Prosecution Service will now prosecute director Renzen, among others. He is accused of ignoring defects and forging a hallmark. Nevertheless, the director does not want to respond to the suspicions and first wait for the file. “It’s all more complicated than is currently believed.”


Stint accident Oss: two companies and two directors are being prosecuted

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