Director of the Berlin Grips Theater retires earlier

Philipp Harpain in front of the Grips Theater (archive photo)

Philipp Harpain in front of the Grips Theater (archive photo) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

The director of the Berlin Grips Theater, Philipp Harpain, wants to give up his post in two years.

“After a total of 23 years at the Grips Theater, I feel like reinventing myself and breaking new ground,” he said in a statement from the theater on Friday. His contract is now to be terminated a year earlier than planned, in mid-September 2025.

The Grips Theater has been around for more than 50 years, it is famous for the subway musical “Line 1” and is considered one of the most important children’s and youth theaters in Germany.

Harpain has worked at the theater since 2003. In 2016 he took over the artistic direction and in 2017 the overall direction with managing director Andreas Joppich.

“I have achieved many of the goals I set myself and will complete them over the next two years,” said Harpain. Then he wants to make room “for a hopefully new, young and diverse management team”.


Berlin Culture Berlin Celebrities Grips Theater Theater
