direct and surprises in the Kings League

09/19/2023 at 12:39


The moment was somewhat awkward at first, but they managed to overcome it and friendship has emerged between them.

The Kings League Community I was in suspense when Úrsula Corberó appeared briefly on one of Ibai’s live shows during her visit to London. Although the camera quickly retreated, the surprise was palpable.

However, in a conversation during one of Ibai’s live shows, both revealed how they experienced that first meeting and the “strange feeling” they experienced. Ibai confessed that he felt uncomfortable at the moment, thinking that Corberó could have misinterpreted him, but in reality, he did not know how to react. since it was live, something she didn’t know. After the meeting, Ibai wrote to Corberó to apologize and clarify the situation.

For its part, Úrsula Corberó explained that she did not think that Ibai had a haughty attitude, but she believed that his reaction was due to not knowing her. She also confessed that she usually doesn’t approach other famous people like that, but in this case she did it naturally because of a previous conversation about him.

What worried her the most was a humorous (and embarrassing) comment he made during their meeting: “let him take advantage and throw him out of the ass”, but fortunately, no one heard it at the time. Now, they both laugh at this anecdote and share it as a funny story of their first meeting.

This unexpected and fun meeting between Ibai and Úrsula Corberó It is a clear example of how celebrities can also feel nervous and surprised when meeting each other in unusual situations.

Despite the brevity of the meeting, He left an anecdote that they both share with humor and that proves that even screen stars can have genuine and spontaneous moments.
