Diplomatic appointments | News item | Rijksoverheid.nl

News item | 08-04-2022 | 15:15

At the proposal of Minister Hoekstra of Foreign Affairs, the Council of Ministers has approved five ambassadorial appointments. These are not final until the host countries have given their approval. The Council of Ministers has also approved the appointment of one permanent representative to an international organisation. The appointments will take effect from next summer.

Appointment ambassadors

The Council of Ministers approved the appointment of five ambassadors to the following posts:

  • Iraq, based in Baghdad: Hans Sandee, now Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS) coordinator for Invest International and acting project leader for the Dubai EXPO2020.
  • Pakistan, based in Islamabad: Henny de Vries, now ambassador in Maputo.
  • Singapore, based in Singapore: Anneke Adema, now Deputy Ambassador in New Delhi.
  • Sri Lanka, based in Colombo: Bonnie Horbach, now ambassador in Vilnius.
  • Tunisia, based in Tunis: Josephine Frantzen, now Head of Department at the Sub-Saharan Africa Directorate.

The Council of Ministers approved the appointment of one permanent representative to an international organisation:

  • Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg: Tanja Gonggerei, now Ambassador to Colombo.
