Dinos on top of sand sculpture festival

Dinos on top of sand sculpture festival

After 25 years, that is now tradition by the sea. The artistic level of the carvers increases year after year and can no longer be compared with the early years.

6,000 tons of special river sand almost completely transformed into a dinosaur landscape full of prehistoric animals. Last year, De Kampioenen were still standing in the sand here and that turned out to be a huge success.

The festival site itself and the peripheral animation are still being completed. The carvers or sand sculptors themselves have done most of the work. They have been working here with 25 for just under two weeks.

Ukrainians, Russians, Australians, Europeans. Everyone here works well together to make it beautiful. And they have known all weather conditions. The sculptures will remain here until mid-September, this Friday the festival opens to the general public.
