Dinner to solve a staff shortage provides beach pavilions with 14 new employees

The free dinner that Nautilus beach pavilion in Egmond aan Zee together with two other catering establishments was a ‘great success’. That is what owner Stephan van der Eng tells NH Nieuws. “All fourteen interested parties are now at work.” Still, there will be another dinner soon to find new colleagues.

At the end of March, the catering businesses pulled out all the stops to recruit new staff, because about thirty people were needed. For example, flyers were circulated at secondary schools and colleges, sports clubs and at the market. And young people who were interested in a (side) job in the hospitality industry were invited for a free dinner.

From nice, friendly people to big whiners

At this dinner they poured their own beer and entered their order via the computer system. “That has been very well received. We have a 100 percent success rate achieved,” says Van der Eng. “All those interested are now at work.”

The young people also received a presentation about ‘what you encounter in this industry’. What is that then? “Basically the same as in your daily life. From nice, friendly people to big nags,” laughs Van der Eng. “If you can deal with that, it will help you immensely for the rest of your life.”

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He continues: “It can be extra difficult for young people if an older person rages against them, but we coach them in that. They really don’t have to take everything.”

Staff spared

According to the owner of Nautilus, a background in the hospitality industry is not necessary: ​​”You can quickly see whether someone is suitable. One is of course more clever than the other, but that is also something you learn through this work.”

After the final exams, another dinner is organized: “We have a very nice addition, but there is still a shortage of personnel,” says Van der Eng. “We are working hard to be able to spare our permanent staff a little more.”
