Dinner Club: Aldo Grasso’s review of the second season

Type: culinary travel diary
Director: Riccardo Struchi. With Carlo Cracco, Sabrina Ferilli, Luciana Littizzetto, Paola Cortellesi, Antonio Albanese, Luca Zingaretti, Marco Giallini. On Prime Video

The second season of Dinner Club outlines the composite and fascinating geography of Italy. The scheme is the same as the successful first season: in each episode Carlo Cracco guides a celebrity to discover typical dishes and at the end the guest cooks what he has learned for the rest of the diners.

The strength of the docu-series is undoubtedly in the two elements that characterize travel documentaries in the age of platforms: the cast and the editing.

When you have Paola Cortellesi, Antonio Albanese, Luca Zingaretti, Marco Gialliniplus the “honorary members” of the club Sabrina Ferilli And Luciana Littizzettothe smoothness of the system is guaranteed.

The protagonists of the second season of “Dinner Club”. From left, Antonio Albanese, Luca Zingaretti, Luciana Littizzetto, Carlo Cracco, Sabrina Ferilli, Marco Giallini and Paola Cortellesi.

The editing, that work of ex post writing that starts from the “shot”, does the rest, packaging a product that is at once light-hearted, didactic and profoundly useful.

Also in this second season we discover new territories: the Sila, the South Tyrol of the “witches”, the Romagna of entertainment and genuineness, Sicily. A television atlas that combines the tradition of the travel column with the freshness of jokes and improvisation.

Enjoyable, in particular, just the moments of the dinnerswith the diners gathered around a table at Villa Necchi, while that of Cracco is still too often a “monochord” communication.
For those who love food and travel in Italy.

