Dilan Yesilgöz gets pigeon poop from head reporter: ‘For l*l!’

Dilan Yesilgöz says he is ready to become prime minister and the well-known 538 sidekick Jelte van der Goot would wholeheartedly support that. For a very special reason…

© 538, RTL

It could just be that the parliamentary elections later this year will be a battle between two women: Dilan Yesilgöz of the VVD and Caroline van der Plas of the BBB. Where Caroline still has doubts about the premiership, Dilan has made it clear that she would be ready for it.

Poop on head

Radio 538 sidekick Jelte van der Goot would support that. The radio maker thinks that Dilan is someone who has his heart in the right place, because he has an extremely positive experience with the politician.

Jelte says: “If it is her, then the new prime minister once removed shit from my head. Yes, I did an interview with her once. There were elections then and I was a reporter in front of Amsterdam Central Station and she was handing out flyers there.”

By a pigeon

How did that go exactly? Jelte: “I want to ask her a question and I get shit on my head at that moment. By a pigeon. I was so insulted and then Dilan Yesilgöz took shit off my head with a napkin.”

Colleague Frank Dane thinks that’s very sweet. “Okay, she has my vote!”
