Dilan Çiçek Deniz-Thor Saevarsson’s first anniversary celebration

Dilan Çiçek Deniz (27), who starred in front of the camera in the movie ‘The Departers’, in which she shared the lead role with Burak Deniz after the TV series ‘Pit’ and ‘Alev Alev’, celebrated the first anniversary of her marriage with Icelandic director Thor Saevarsson (37) with an emotional sharing. .

Thor Saevarsson proposed to Dilan Çiçek Deniz in December last year in the Bosphorus. “Yes!” to her lover. Deniz, who replied and did not neglect to share her happiness with her followers, said “Yes” to this photo! had lost his grade. Fans, on the other hand, responded to the post in which the player displayed his solitaire, “Happiness!” It rained comments.


Deniz from the couple, who had a celebratory dinner at a venue in Arnavutköy, said, “I was very unprepared. I am very happy, I am still in shock. The reason he made a marriage proposal on the bridge is that I am in Asia and he is in Europe. It was such a surprise for him.” .


Dilan Çiçek Deniz had previously used the expressions about her relationship with Thor Saevarsson, “Everything is going very well. He also has his own business. I hope we will take part in a project together in the future.”

Deniz, members of the press, “Do you have dreams about your wedding? How will it be?” To his questions, “I guess there isn’t that much… We haven’t planned anything yet. I hope we’ll plan everything soon. Nothing for now.” had answered.


Dilan Çiçek Deniz and Thor Saevarsson, who are in a happy relationship and are now in a wedding rush, left behind a year in their relationship. Posing in front of the lens, the couple celebrated their anniversary with their social media posts.


Deniz addressed her lover with the words, “Our first anniversary with half of my life… I really love you deeply. I wanted you to know before I die.” Saevarsson also wrote in his post, “One year and continuing. To eternity and beyond…”. The sharing of the couple soon attracted great interest from their fans.
