Dijk en Waard starts narrowing Westtangent to slow down speeders

The municipality of Dijk en Waard will start work on narrowing the Westtangent early next week. Car traffic drives too fast there and has regularly caused accidents in recent years, sometimes with fatal consequences. “We expect to reduce the speed with this measure.”

After fatal scooter accident in 2016 and the fatal collision of 15-year-old Ilayda three years later, the municipality decided to intervene to slow down the speeding traffic there. But one rewarding green wavewhich must ensure that traffic continues to move at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, had little effect.

“This ‘green passage’ operates at certain times and depends on the number of cars,” the municipality explains. “Yet this measure taken earlier does not have the desired effect on driving behavior. It ensures traffic flow, but people are still driving too fast.”

‘You keep driving at 50’

The municipality expects to achieve the desired effect by narrowing the lanes. The green passage also remains active. “This means that the message ‘Continue at 50!’, which can be read on signs along the road, remains in force. There will also be clearer markings.”

Because the two lanes in both directions are maintained, the flow on the road remains good, according to the municipality.

The work will start on Monday, September 25 and will last until Friday, October 13, 2023. “If the Zuidtangent railway tunnel is ready, expected in 2026, a permanent adjustment of the Westtangent is being considered.”

Little disruption

In order to disrupt traffic as little as possible, the work will be carried out in the evening and at night between 8:00 PM and 5:00 AM from Monday to Friday. During those hours, the lanes in question are closed to traffic and a diversion route is indicated, via the N242. The intersections are not closed, crossing to Beveland or residential areas is possible. The cycle and pedestrian paths also remain accessible.
