DIHK criticizes the design of the program for energy subsidies

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce has criticized the planned design of a program with energy cost subsidies for companies. DIHK President Peter Adrian told the German Press Agency on Friday that it was right that the federal government wanted to help the companies that were particularly affected by the energy price crisis. “However, the federal government excludes all sectors that are not electricity-intensive per se from the aid. Since gas prices have risen even more than electricity prices, this is inappropriate and an irritating signal for many companies.”

Historically high energy prices are threatening more and more businesses every day, Adrian said. Industry in particular has been struggling with extremely rising costs since the late summer of last year.

The federal government’s billion-dollar aid program with energy cost subsidies for companies is to start soon. However, it has narrow requirements./hoe/DP/mis
