Digital Innovation Days 2022: 150 speakers to talk about the future

THE Digital Innovations Daysby Giulio and Nicola Nicoletti, arrive in Milan from Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th Octoberwith 3 eventful days at Talent Garden Calabiana and leading digital innovation professionals. The event will be an opportunity to keep up to date on everything that is happening in the field of digital innovation.

THE Digital Innovation Days will take place live and in live streaming on the dedicated platformwhich will give you the opportunity to follow the speeches of the speakers who will take the stage in the main hall and in the various thematic rooms online.

  1. E-commerce moderated by Paolo Giancalone West EU E-commerce Director of Reckitt Europe.
  2. Influencer Marketing with Matteo Poglianifuonder of ONIM (National Influencer Marketing Observatory) e Chiara Dal Ben by FLU.
  3. Social Media with Riccardo Pirrone, president of the National Social Media Manager Association.
  4. Web Marketing with Gaetano Romeo director of the Pambianco Academy.

The speakers of the Digital Innovation Days

Giulio and Nicola Nicoletti

Live participation will only be possible on 26 and 27 Octoberwhy the day of the 28th will instead be broadcast online. The last appointment will see the participation of Francesco Petrellacommunication manager of Ipsos, who will moderate the virtual room on the sustainability.

Francesco G. LamacchiaCEO of Dot Academy, will be the moderator of the room INFORMATION. To rise to the chair in the room INNOVATION & EMERGING TECH it will be Fernando Piccirilli, co-founder of KOBE Partner. In the end Alessandro Negri Della Torre, founder of LX20 Law Firm, he will be in charge of conducting the works in the room FINTECH.

The news of 2022

The arguments main of this edition will be Metaverse, NFT and Gaming, immersed in our social, economic and working reality. Alongside issues that are more current than ever, such as the Gender Gap, inclusion, human well-being, sustainability and the ecological transition.

Two souls of the event. On the one hand, the most extreme technological innovation, on the other the importance of putting people back at the center, testifying to the fact that there are human skills to design technology.

On stage they will go up beyond 150 speakerselected from the most influential opinion leaders of the related sectors, including: Cathy La TorreLawyer and Business; Francesca De Pascale, innovation manager of Chiesi Farmaceutici; Paolo Iabichinocreative director of Iabicus; Rossella Sobreropresident of Koinética, and expert in CSR issues; Francesca Vecchioni, President & Founder of the Diversity Foundation; Bianca Arrighini And Livia Viganò the founders of Factanza Media; Fabio Moioli, Microsoft’s Western Europe Partners Leader. He will also intervene Layla Pavone, Head of Innovation Technology and Digital Transformation Board, del The municipality of Milan; Andrew Winstonauthor, together with Paul Polman, of the best seller “Net Positive”; Vittorio MartinelliOlympus Italia CEO and Neuromarketing expert with a focus on coaching and social sustainability; Ernesto Sirolli, internationally renowned trainer; Giampaolo GrossiDirector and GM of Starbucks Italia; Nicola Neri, CEO of Ipsos. And many others.

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We will find out what are the solutions and stakeholders that support the development of the Italian innovative ecosystem, in this regard Andrea February will share his perspective and raise critical thoughts, in a dialogue with Eleonora Chiodajournalist expert in innovation, creator and co-author of the bestseller “Startup” and “Silicon Valley”.

All the info to participate in the event on the site

