Difficult wind conditions in ski jumping, alpine skiing and biathlon – Olympia

For the ski jumpers, the icy wind swept over the hill during training on Friday. He also whistled at the biathletes during the final training session in Zhangjiakou. And the alpine ski racers also felt the extreme wind conditions in Yanqing.

Downhillers count on wind lottery

For the alpine ski racers, the second training session was heavily influenced by the gusts that are typical of Yanging. The start time on the new Olympic route had to be postponed by one hour due to strong winds in the upper section of the route. The problem of wind”will also accompany us in the next few days,” said head coach Christian Schwaiger. But: “It’s outdoor sports, everyone needs a certain amount of luck to be successful here.”

That the ski king could be chosen in a kind of lottery on Sunday, “i.ea you are already surer”, believes Vice World Champion Andreas Sander. According to the Chinese trainer, only woe “Rare” No wind on Xiaohaituo Mountain. On Saturday, the third practice session is already shaking because of the wind conditions.

Biathletes hope for fair competition

Biathlete Denise Herrmann had to squint in Zhangjiakou, 1,700 meters above sea level, because the wind whistled painfully in her face. “It’s difficult for everyone. It will certainly be exciting, I hope that it will still be fair“, Herrmann said before the final training of the mixed relay about the extreme conditions on site.

Lesser is optimistic about conditions

It’s not easy, but I think it’s manageable“says teammate Erik Lesser about the training impressions at the shooting range. “At least my shooting results in prone were quite decent.” Standing he had to “try the setting a bit more.”

Also to see”how I can best get through the five shots.“The temperatures are “very cold and uncomfortable.” When the sun is gone “It’s just going to be cold, it’s going to be really icy.” And: “It pulls in everywhere.”

If it gets too cold, there is a risk of cancellation

However, not only the wind is a factor in the competitions. From minus 20 degrees there is a risk of cancellations, even at minus 15 degrees and strong wind there are consequences. “At minus 18 or 20 degrees with wind, it becomes relatively very dangerous for your health. But we have a competition jury that will make the right decision“said women’s national coach Kristian Mehringer.


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