Difficult road of Syrian status holder can be seen in ‘recognizable’ film ZAYN

Core of the story

The story is about a Syrian status holder who, like many Dutch people, lives and works in the country, but encounters several barriers. This creates a struggle with himself, partly because of an unbridgeable language barrier. “It’s like going to another country to settle in, then you have to work on things, but you are also looked at through different eyes,” Hellenthal tries to describe a similar situation.

The immediate reason for making the film is the Syrian refugee choir New Life Choir in Groningen. When Hellenthal saw the group, he wanted to ‘do something with it’. Four years later, a collaboration really got off the ground, because the choir got a place in ZAYN† The musicians have a role in the film, including in providing the music. Hellenthal thinks that their share has certainly added value. “They hadn’t seen the film in its entirety yet, but were upset after the premiere because they recognize a lot in the story.”

ZAYN recorded in Assen and Rolde

ZAYN was recorded at several locations in Assen and Rolde. The majority of the shooting was in the provincial capital. That was quite easy, Hellenthal says afterwards. “In Drenthe you can really find people for a film, locations such as schools and canteens were made available. A lot of recognizability from the region is therefore important,” says the filmmaker. “It was a large group of volunteers who came to Assen and Rolde, really a team effort† Very cool.”

Hellenthal’s previous feature, which is about the struggle of 14-year-old transgender Alex from Drenthe, was showered with prizes. The filmmaker is still in the dark whether ZAYN also be so successful. “But he can go very far.” According to the Assenaar, his new work is especially suitable for children in their adolescent phase. “We live in a turbulent world, that generation gets that.” ZAYN can therefore tap into the discussion about these themes, make them think and thus be an ‘eye-opener’, thinks Hellenthal.

RTV Drenthe previously made a report about the film ZAYN. It can be viewed below:
