Difference in housing costs Limburg nil | 1Limburg

Residents of Venlo had less monthly housing costs (616 euros) last year than in 2018 (640 euros). In Maastricht, 20 euros more was paid, namely 603 euros in 2021 against 583 euros in 2018.

This is according to figures from Statistics Netherlands.

Expected increase next year
The cost of living has gone up in recent years. But because the income of the Dutch has risen faster in recent years, they have on average spend a smaller part of their income on housing costs. This year, housing costs threaten to rise due to rising energy prices related to the war in Ukraine. The effect of these price increases is not yet visible in this study.

The difference in housing costs is nil throughout Limburg. This concerns the rent or mortgage, insurance, municipal fees, gas, water and electricity and maintenance costs. Where Limburgers still lost 571 euros per month to live in 2018, that was 569 euros last year.

Tenants paid about 501 euros in housing costs in 2021. That was 35.9 percent of their household income for the home and associated fixed costs, compared to 37.7 percent in 2018. Homeowners paid 608 euros last year. That was 23.6 percent of their household income. In 2018 this was 27.1 percent.

Tenants in Venlo paid 488 euros in housing costs last year. For homeowners, it was 692 euros. This means that tenants only spend 34.2 percent of their monthly income on their home. Homeowners only lost 25 percent on housing costs last year.

In Maastricht the amounts are slightly higher. There the monthly costs for tenants were EUR 541 and for homeowners EUR 694. Last year, tenants pay 42.9 percent of their income on housing costs and home owners 24.8 percent.

The Dutch spent an average of 644 euros on their home last year. That was 28.6 percent of their household income, compared to 31.1 percent in 2018. There are major differences between tenants and home owners. Renters put 36.3 percent of their income into their home each month and buyers only 23.4 percent.
