Diet: what to do if it doesn’t work? A new method

TO lifelong diet. Yet the scale doesn’t notice. How many people have been in this situation for years? They have tried a thousand methods, even meditation, fasting, but diet doesn’t work. So? To obtain the desired results you need to start from the mind. He firmly supports it Doctor Costanza FontaniPsychologist and emotional-behavioral coach, specialized in Mind Hacking And Bio Hacking which are the basis of Health Flow, its new program.

Lose weight without dieting: 4 revolutionary rules

Is the diet not working? Let’s start again from the mind

«There are two reasons why we fail to love and take care of our bodies. The first is that we don’t have the mental strategies adequate to manage our mind when it comes to food and movement. For example, we fail to love sport, we are overwhelmed by laziness, we vent our frustrations on food and compulsive binging. The second is that we resort to “do it yourself”: we don’t have the right knowledge about nutrition and we opt for a diet that is too privative to lose weight quickly. But this can prove to be a double-edged sword”, explains Dr. Fontani.

Learn to love your body as it is

«Even when our body doesn’t satisfy us or we don’t like it, we still have so many reasons to love it. Although at certain moments in life we ​​don’t feel enough, our value is there, it is great and it is always the same. Because we are worth it. There is no ideal body, ideal weight, ideal physique. We must aspire to what makes us feel good and try to have a healthy lifestyle, to feel in harmony with ourselves, energetic and fit, to like ourselves and to feel love for that image we see reflected in our mirror. So not diet and physical fitness to meet the standards dictated by society, but our need for all-round well-being”, underlines the expert.

Diet? More a question of habits

Often what gets in the way of having a healthy, performing body is a lazy or self-sabotaging mind. Being fit, and generally achieving your goals, is a matter of habits. Thanks to the Method Health Flow it is possible to start from habits and, without shocks, change the mindset to change the lifestyle, or modify unhealthy habits to create new ones, suitable for achieving one’s well-being goal. Everything starting from emotions.

6 tips to make the “diet” work

Here are Doctor Fontani’s 6 tips for correctly resetting your habits starting from a new mental setting.

Starting from emotions

Emotions guide our behaviors. It is therefore necessary to focus not on the emotions told but on those experienced, which the body tells through the non-verbal: the expression of the face, the inclination of the voice, the posture, the crying. In the here and now, beneath each of those gestures, sometimes imperceptible, there is the depth of the person that needs to be brought out because it is too often pushed down. We start from awareness from the emotions to continue along a path that reaches the change.

Proceed in small steps

Never underestimate the power of small habits. Achieving a big goal doesn’t mean making drastic choices. Just make small adjustments in your daily behaviors and in the long run the end result will be amazing. And all without strain on one’s mind or body and without absurd deprivations.

Keep a habit diary

We start fromanalyze your habits in terms of nutrition, movement, energy, attitude. For example, what is the time of day when you eat, what are the sensations associated with food, do you feel calm, do you arrive at meals hungry, do you play sports, are you able to sleep well and for a sufficient number of hours? It will also be important to note how much time you manage to carve out for yourself, time to dedicate to an activity that gives you a feeling of pleasure. It will be enough fill out a simple diary with all this precious information for a few days. This will allow you to know which of your habits are useful and must be maintained, and which ones are damaging the person’s well-being and must be changed.

Implement Bio Hacking

Thanks to the analysis of the information collected and integrating the indications developed by a nutritionist, one will be structured food style And behavior suited to the person, which you can follow easily and pleasantly. This is the Bio Hacking. Literally hacking a system means knowing it so well that you can transform it to your advantage. We can then use the rules of operation of our body to hack it with the aim of obtain results easily and lastingly in terms of weight loss, greater energy, good mood And slowing of aging.

Make habits enjoyable

In order for habits to be consistently maintained, they must be pleasant. And it’s easy to make any habit enjoyable when you know the right mental strategies.

Kickstart the change

From that moment on the journey will begin body and nutritional re-education. Habits are changed much easier than most people think. You just need to know how. It will be the time to unleash untapped potential, developing a better attitude and a strong mindset that will lead the person to achieve the success they desire.

Who is Costanza Fontani

There Doctor Costanza FontanI am a psychologist and emotional-behavioral coach. Helping people identify and achieve their goals is what he loves to do. After graduating in Psychology from the University of Padua, she specialized in Work Psychology and began her working career developing the HR departments of family businesses. You have always worked alongside people, enhancing them and cultivating their talents. You have held the role of consultant and psychologist for cooperatives and healthcare facilities, dealing with staff selection and training, conflict resolution and everything related to improving well-being within the working environment. Specializing in Mind Hacking and Bio Hacking, she has developed a new program, Health Flow. Starting from a profound understanding of the person, their habits and their emotions, she accompanies them towards change.

