Diet to gain weight: muscle mass and more, what to know

From fat percentage to measurements, through calorie balance and what to eat, what you need to know when starting a diet to gain kilos

Giacomo Astrua – Noritura

April 17, 2023

The diet “to gain weight” is nothing more than a diet with the aim of gain weightespecially by increasing the muscle mass or metabolically active mass and, in some cases, also the fat mass. It can be implemented in case of a condition underweight (in these cases it is possible that it is also necessary to increase the adipose tissue), or in other physiological conditions such as in the case of a sportsman or an athlete.

The measurements

To embark on a correct path on weight gain it will first be necessary to have all the necessary measurements to objectively evaluate progress. We won’t just focus on weight or on the body mass index (BMI), but we will also evaluate the body circumferencesthe folds body and the evaluation of fat mass and lean mass through a more or less precise instrumentation (BIA or DEXA). Obviously it will be necessary to be in a state of good health, or to be under correct pharmacological therapy in case of pathologies.

The adipose tissue

The fat mass, or adipose tissue, contrary to popular belief, it is essential if in the right quantities. The amount of essential fat differs according to the physical characteristics, genetic and metabolic characteristics of the single individual. For example, women of childbearing age need more body fat than men of the same age. Too low adipose tissue percentage will lead to situations of amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea (absence or reduction of the menstrual cycle) and increased sensation of cold (essential fat also has a thermogenic role).

The calorie balance

To gain weight the only existing way is to have a positive balance: that is, the caloric income from food must be greater than the expenditure (daily caloric consumption). It will therefore be necessary to plan a high-calorie diet.

The high-calorie diet

Following this type of diet seems easy, but in reality it is less simple than expected. It is, in fact, important that the high-calorie diet is also “clean” and well balanced in nutrients:

  • Carbohydrates 55-60% of total calories, with simple sugars below 15%
  • Lipids at 20-30% of total calories, with saturated fat less than 10% and less than 300 mg of daily cholesterol
  • Protein at 15-20% of total Kcal

Often the high-calorie diet has high fat and sugar contents, which allow you to greatly increase the daily caloric intake, however unbalancing the macronutrients and leading to unhealthy weight gain.

What to eat?

It will be necessary to integrate foods that do not include added sugars and fats and which are useful for our purpose. Prefer whole grain cereals such as wholemeal pasta and bread, or brown, black or red rice, or other cereals such as barley, spelt, quinoa, oats which are already wholemeal in themselves. Take simple sugars only through foods that naturally contain them such as fruit, vegetables, milk and yoghurt. Of the latter, prefer the Greek one or the natural white one and use fresh fruit to sweeten, rather than buying fruit yoghurt or other flavors (chocolate, coffee, etc.). Properly alternate all protein sources increasing the consumption of legumes and fish and instead reducing the consumption of cheese and meat, especially if processed, pre-processed or in the form of sausages. Season foods well using almost exclusively extra virgin olive oiland only occasionally other types of fat such as butter.
