Diego Valenzuela: “The Larreta government on most issues will be Dominic Toretto”

“Start the campaign in terms of proposals. There is no longer room for chicanas, now it is important that each one express what he is going to do with the problems of the Argentines. Safety, education and work are the three most important issues,” said Diego Valenzuelamayor of 3 de Febrero, an ally in the suburbs of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Diego Santilli.

“If people are afraid when they open the gate or wait for the bus, everything else doesn’t count. Horacio made clear and forceful proposals. Santilli knows the security issue and is making great progress in the city and he will surely transfer that experience to the province,” he reinforced. Valenzuela, pointing to the security as the main concern of Buenos Aires voters.

“Beyond the control attitude of Sergio Berni, the Buenos Aires government did not pay enough attention to the issue of security. It is not an ideological issue, you have to take the side of the good guys, not the Zaffaronian side of life. There is no political decision to transform and support the municipalities. There is a postponement at the provincial security level,” said the mayor, pointing to the Minister of Security and the governor Axel Kicillof.

“I don’t think there will be confrontations in the streets and I hope they don’t happen, but there are provocations. On Tres de Febrero, The Campora issued a statement made by four bureaucrats declaring persona non grata a Gerardo Morales. What does it matter to me that they declare him persona non grata, he is the next vice president of Argentina”, he also supported the governor of Jujuy in the midst of complaints about human rights violations due to the repression of protests for the reform of the constitution from the northern province.

And he pointed out that Larretismo does not lack strength to impose changes, one of the flags of Patricia Bullrich, which is also insisted on today with avoid gradualism (Mauricio Macri’s government strategy) to opt for the “Fast Furious” model: “The change in the Larreta government, on most issues, is Dominic Toretto,” said the mayor in dialogue with El disparador (Delta 90.3) ,.

“Dialogue is a necessary consensus but it does not mean gradualism. Larreta wants to make changes that are sustained over time. Profound and initial changes are needed. Here it is not about speeches but about doing,” Valenzuela concluded.

by RN

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