Didem Kınalı’s tenant rebellion! ‘He asked for 100 thousand TL’

Didem Kınalı, who made a name for herself with the dance performances she performed in the entertainment program ‘İbo Show’ presented by the famous Turkish singer İbrahim Tatlıses, has come to the fore with the financial difficulties she has experienced in recent years.


In June 2020, Kınalı made a name for himself with the news that “he put his jeep on sale because he could not work”. The 35-year-old oriental said, “I can hold out a little longer, but the mountain won’t hold up. I have not worked for four months. But what happens next, God knows. Thankfully I am not in a position to sell my car right now. I take care of my mother, my nephews and myself, so I have to work.”

In a statement in May 2021, Kınalı stated that he had a difficult time due to the coronavirus pandemic and said, “I have not been able to earn money for a year. I applied for the payment of my rent and bills via e-Government. Thanks to my manager Haluk Şentürk, he helped me. I closed my dance school. I have no income, I am in a difficult situation. I have no income. May Allah be pleased with our end.”


The famous oriental, who made a new statement in June 2021, announced that he could not work yet and therefore put his jeep on sale. Didem said that he left his jeep at a car dealership because he was experiencing economic difficulties. It was learned that Kınalı’s 2012 model car was put up for sale for 485 thousand TL on the website of a famous gallery.


The oriental, whose economic difficulties were over, announced that he was the host in December with the following words:

“Shock shock I’m getting married. Thank God I found my house. We gave our deposit. May God grant it to everyone who wants it. You would be disgusted if you saw the house right now. It’s a modest house and it’s in a dilapidated condition. You don’t have to tie a dog. The current value of the house is maybe not even 300 thousand TL, but Cihangir You all know very well that Istanbul is a strange neighborhood. Opportunists open doors for one million TL. If you find it at that price, kiss it on your head. 11 The rent of the houses is 16 thousand TL. I’ve been searching for a year, but I was able to find a house that fits my budget. For a house down to my last penny. “I couldn’t get the inside of the house done because I gave it to you. I’m thinking of completing my house by working and sweating. May God save everyone from tenancy.”


Didem Kınalı was spotted at a venue in Cihangir. Chatting with members of the press, the famous oriental complained about his tenant and said, “When buying the house, the landlord said that the current tenant’s contract would expire in May. I sent a notice to the tenant as soon as I bought the house. The tenant, on the other hand, asked for 100 thousand TL to leave the house. I was shocked,” he said.


Expressing that the damage was great, Kınalı said, “I took the tenant to court immediately, I’m dealing with it. I’m living in rented right now. I’m trying to pay my rent money and I’m trying to pay the loan of the house I bought. I’m in a lot of damage. I hope this problem will be resolved as soon as possible.”


Didem Kınalı, in the ‘Katarsis’ program presented by Gökhan Çınar, explained how the ‘İbo Show’ adventure started:

“Before I started Ibo Show, I was performing at nine places a day and earning well. I had no desire to be famous. One day the phone rang, I was told ‘Ibo Show needs an oriental’. I asked how much they would pay. They auditioned in the studio. Dance After the meeting, they called İbrahim Bey and the agreement was reached. A day later they called and said that they canceled the agreement. They called again a month later. İbrahim Bey called and said, “If you don’t come, I will come and get you.” We worked together for six years.”
