Did you already have them? We no longer: carnival emblems police ‘sold out’

There are no special carnival emblems available from the East Brabant police anymore. There has been a huge run on the decals in recent times. “We are really surprised by the success,” says a spokesperson. The police still have some stacks to hand out during carnival.

Many thousands of those special free carnival emblems have been collected from the police stations in recent days. That sometimes even led to emotional scenes. “There were people crying at the counter. But it’s nice to make people happy,” says the spokesperson.

The action generated many reactions, including from other police forces. At the same time, the East Brabant police hopes for understanding. “We still have some in stock to hand out on the street during carnival, but they will also be used up one day. And then it’s really gone.”

READ ALSO: Run on carnival emblems police, but we must be patient

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