Did Meghan Markle rock the British court in her podcast?

Duchess Meghan seems disappointed by the stigma she has received.

Duchess Meghan’s podcast was released this week. PDO

Duchess Meghan’s Archetypes podcast launched on Tuesday and the first episode immediately made headlines. In the latest episode, Meghan and tennis player Serena Williams talk about motherhood, ambition and the stereotypes women face, among other things.

– I never remember thinking of the word “ambitious” in a negative way until I started dating my current husband, says Meghan.

– Apparently, ambition is a terrible, terrible thing, at least according to some, for a woman. Once I started to feel the negative connection here, it was hard not to notice anymore.

The Duchess continues that because of the classification, she has felt lonely in all the silence and she has suffered because of it. Meghan’s words have now been interpreted as mocking the British court, and royal expert Angela Levin, for example, thinks the duchess seems ungrateful.

Levin states that Meghan would still be a “minor celebrity” without her marriage to Prince Harry. According to the expert, the duchess has received “a lot of things that most people don’t even get a chance to”. Levin adds that royals are often ambitious, both in their own careers and in their philanthropy.

Singer Mariah Carey was also a guest on the podcast.

– Meghan puts herself in the same category as Serena and Mariah, who have done brilliantly and pushed through a difficult childhood. While she herself has married a prince and spent a lot of money, Levin justifies her position.

– In the royal family, it’s all about ambition towards duty and charity. It’s not just about getting to the top, he continues.

Although the episode has divided opinion and royal experts have given Meghan a cold ride, the Duchess has also received support on social media. He has been especially praised for his honesty.

– Meghan stated that as young girls we are often fearless and as we grow up we become more insecure because we become more aware of the demands placed on us. I identified with this, one commenter writes.

– Good job Serena and Meghan, the other continues.

– I loved this conversation between Meghan Markle and Serena Williams. Indeed, women should be ambitious – and proud of it!

Serena Williams posted a photo on her Instagram account that was captured during a podcast recording. You can look at the picture below or from here.

Sources: Daily Mail, Hello Magazine
