Did Lieke van Lexmond have to give up his weird moon hobby?

It remains a mystery: Lieke van Lexmond suddenly abandoned her moon sister in the summer. No more crazy moon appearances, no more medical advice. Is her husband behind it?

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Lieke van Lexmond and her sister Jetteke went through life as moon sisters for years. They explained to their supporters that you should never have your pants shortened during the full moon, that it is better not to have heart operations performed during the first fifteen minutes and that you should leave the dishes alone during the last fifteen minutes. Or something.


At a certain point, those girls got the image of two crazy people, while Lieke’s husband Bas van Veggel has a serious job in real estate with a renowned network. The moon sisters’ criticism of corona vaccines and their claims about the storming of the Capitol were particularly surprising.

Was Bas starting to feel a bit ashamed of all those crazy antics of his wife? Did he encourage her to stop? “No, I actually liked that she did that,” he claims in the Story.

‘Very interesting’

Bas states that he played no role in Lieke’s decision to quit. “Lieke has studied the power of the moon for five years. And her sister still continues with it. I find it interesting myself. Lieke will now focus on an old passion again.”

Does that mean that Lieke wants to go back on TV? RTL no longer has a place for her. “You may soon see her play a great role in a film again,” says Bas.

5.5 million euros

One thing is certain: thanks to her filthy rich husband and in-laws, Lieke doesn’t have to do it all for the money. They now have their palace in Amsterdam South for sale for 5.5 million euros. “We really weren’t planning on moving, but suddenly an opportunity came along.”

He concludes: “We have lived in our current house since the children were born, so it is nice to go somewhere new again.”
