Did Justin Timberlake pressure her to have an abortion?

With her biography, which will be published on October 24, 2023, Britney Spears is likely to publish numerous juicy details from her life. This apparently also includes some chapters about her teenage love with Justin Timberlake. She and the *NSYNC star became a couple in 1999 when she was 17 and he was 18 and both were at the start of promising careers. Apparently, an unwanted pregnancy occurred during their relationship, which was ended by an abortion.

Britney Spears was pregnant by Justin Timberlake

“It came as a surprise, but for me it wasn’t a tragedy. I loved Justin so much,” says a first excerpt from the book “The Woman in Me,” published by “People” has been published. “I always expected that one day we would have a family. It just would have been much sooner than I expected.” But that never happened because Britney Spears was apparently pressured to have an abortion. “If it had been up to me alone, I would never have done it. But Justin was so sure he didn’t want to be a father. To this day it is one of the most excruciating things I have ever experienced in my life.”

Justin Timberlake has not yet commented on his ex-girlfriend’s words. However, remaining silent on the matter for too long could damage his reputation. It has long been rumored that the singer was worried about what Britney Spears might write about him in her autobiography. “He is very curious about what she will say about their relationship. That gnaws at him.” According to the book’s publicists, the singer has no intention of harming her ex-boyfriend. The publication is her chance to finally tell her side of what happened. The 13-year-long guardianship as well as the head shaving in 2007 should also be dealt with.

Spears and Justin Timberlake separated in 2002. Two years later she married former back-up dancer Kevin Federline, with whom she had sons Sean Preston and Jayden James – but the marriage ended in 2007.
