Did HE put knockout drops in the wine of three women?

Defendant David L. (53)

Defendant David L. (53) Photo: mofoto

By Anne Losensky

An icon of the Berlin feminist scene was allegedly mixed with knockout drops in the rosé wine on a Spree ship – she is said not to have been the only victim of a Berlin jazz musician.

The Tiergarten district court is hearing three cases of dangerous bodily harm against David L. (53).

Crime scene Hafenbar: In May 2020 there is a restaurant ship on the Märkisches Ufer (middle).

► Restaurateur Ute E. (61) chats with the musician on board with wine. “Suddenly I had a blackout, I fell over like a wet sack,” she says.

► A day later, women’s rights activist Karin Bergdoll (82) is on the ship with a professor friend. The two women also talk to the musician. “I told them that I’m the winner of the Berlin Women’s Prize. So he gave us one. One sip of the wine and I collapsed. I’m assuming he contaminated that thing.”

Her friend helped her into the taxi, then she felt sick herself. No sexual assaults, nothing was stolen.

“It was about a demonstration of power and humiliation,” the feminist is convinced. David L. vehemently denies the allegations.

Judgment on May 10th.


