Did former Mole Dennis Weening fly back and forth to Mexico for barely a minute of TV? Serious? | Show

Who is the mole?The return of Babs, a pot that was looted for 5000 (!) euros, presenter/former Mole/nature lover Dennis Weening who was flown to Mexico for a very short performance, the loss of the bottle of Maggi among the candidates. Three notable excerpts from episode 5.

1. Hardly any bonds, the pot is being looted
Babs Schutte is back in the field of Wie is de Mol? and now she seems to be a keeper too. She combines the background information she receives from the two J’s, the final dropouts Jip and Justin, with her own knowledge and that gives her a chance for the final victory. Quite logical is her thought that she must now be quite attractive for a union. But this group doesn’t care, unions hardly seem to exist. For this edition, the makers put together a very selfish group of candidates. Take the last assignment, where candidates can earn several wild cards or perhaps an exemption. Everyone takes huge risks, in a game of Russian roulette with envelopes. Rosario ‘Sor’ Mussendijk appears to have taken no less than 3,000 euros from the pot. De Mol is grateful to him, if not himself. In total, the pot in this episode decreased from 9025 euros to 4025 euros!

Rosario collected 3,000 euros from the Wie is de Mol? pot in one assignment. © AvroTros

2. Enjoy chopping on piñatas
During the first assignment we imagine ourselves as BBB negotiators with dyscalculia at the formation table. Listen to the summary of theoretical physicist and WidM candidate Anna Gimbrère: “The colored flags that Fons and Jeroen should have counted corresponded with the colored signs that we – from the other teams – should have counted. So those were four colors and added together that should have been: not 565 euros but 2008 euros.” Joe!
The second task is to make it easier to eat, with the delicious minced meat on a piñata. Never before in the program’s rich history have candidates been able to earn so much money with one assignment, 38,640 euros. Candidates are called with instructions to speak to the piñata that they must smash. Former Mole Dennis Weening from 2008, when the program was also recorded in Mexico, also receives a telephone call further down in Mérida; he can start shredding those 38,640 euros. The self-proclaimed nature lover appears for barely a minute. Will he be flown to Mexico for that? Serious? For something that could also have worked fine via a Zoom connection?
Oh yes, by the way, our dyscalculia isn’t too bad: the maximum winning amount was 38,640 euros. And 64-38=26. The age of: Rosario.

Jeroen Spitzenberger, fanatical heels and digging into a piñata.
Jeroen Spitzenberger, fanatical heels and digging into a piñata. © AvroTros

3. The bottle of Maggi has fallen over
See actor Jeroen Spitzenberger screaming, ranting and running through Mexico, being overcome by the heat, no longer even being able to count to 7 and the memory of the Mole of 2021 comes to mind: Renée Fokker. Same profession, same fanaticism combined with an unexpected dose of stupidity. But no, Spitzenberger is really not the Mole, as it turns out during the execution. It’s a shame he has to leave the program halfway through the season. With his attitude, the Eyeballs actor became the Maggi, the seasoning, in this Mexican bean dish. His desperate shout for Rosario at the piñatas is an undisputed highlight. He and Anna Gimbrère are by far the most visible candidates and that by definition makes them less suspicious. The experience of recent seasons has shown that the Mole is portrayed with restraint, especially in the first episodes of a season. Like: Rosario!
