Did Elvis Presley die early because of his incest genes?

In August 1977, Elvis Presley, just 42 years old, died an untimely drug death — at least that’s the version of events that made it into the history books. In her book Elvis: Destined to Die Young, Elvis biographer Sally Hoedel offers an alternative theory.

According to Hoedel, Presley’s many health problems are primarily due to the fact that his grandparents were cousins. Such a connection within the family was quite common at that time and was probably mainly for financial reasons. “If we put the negative connotation aside and focus on the consequences, there’s a lot of truth to be uncovered,” Hoedel said.

diseases from birth

As a result of incest, Elvis had to struggle with various diseases from birth. Many of these sufferings – and possibly even the death of the singer himself – were later incorrectly explained with his drug use.

Shortly before the breakthrough: The then 21-year-old Elvis in 1956

Ultimately, Hoedel is also concerned with straightening out the public image of the rock ‘n’ roll legend. “Elvis was reduced to this guy who died in the bathroom from taking too many pills,” the author told the “Observer”. “For a man who turned our cultural universe upside down, that’s not enough. Elvis was a seriously ill man who hid his weaknesses to fill concert halls and support his family.”

According to Hoedel, the King’s actual drug abuse was less an escape from reality and more a struggle for survival. “It was tough being Elvis. Nobody had ever been that famous and nobody could help him,” writes Hoedel. “He was just trying to function within his reality.”




