Díaz accuses Podemos of paying for “political disaffection” and asks that they not choose the wrong opponent


On at 12:22


The second vice president asks Podemos not to make the wrong adversary, but avoids calling the march of the five parliamentarians from the purple party transfuguism

Day 1 of Podemos outside of Sumar. “Today, citizen disaffection is greater than in 2015. What we have seen yesterday contributes to citizen disaffection,” he criticized Yolanda Diaz in his first public intervention after learning of the departure of the five purple deputies to the mixed group. Furthermore, the second vice president has asked Podemos not to make the wrong opponent. Minutes before, the general secretary of the purples, Ione Belarra, assured that the decision was “difficult“, but “essential“.

Surrounded by the four ministers of Sumar – they represent Add, In Comú Podem, UI and More Madrid-, Díaz has avoided calling him transfuguism the march of the five Podemos parliamentarians, although sources from his party do denounce it privately, but he has taken the opportunity to send a message to those who were his partners: “Progressive people would not understand that put public policies in check that are important and that are good for people’s lives for the interests of the people.

Not only that. The minister has also assured that she trusts that anyone who defends the good of the country and progressive policies “he will not be confused as an adversary“. Given Podemos’ intentions to assert its five votes in all negotiations with the coalition Executive, Díaz recalled that the Government is already “being besieged by a destructive policy of the PP and of the extreme right, a policy that is not only destituent, but also wants to destabilize.

An “essential” decision

Minutes before, Belarra passed through the same microphone. “We can have made a decision difficultbut it’s a decision essential“, she stated. The leader of the party has also avoided commenting on the accusations of “transfuguism” and has insisted that the second vice president of the Government did not let them “another remedy“.

Díaz’s refusal to allow Belarra to intervene this past Tuesday in the appearance of the Foreign Minister, Jose Manuel Albares, about the conflict between Israel and Hamas was the last straw. The Podemos leadership made the decision to break relations with Sumar and join the mixed group. Now, Belarra has justified this step by ensuring that she complies “with the mandate of the people who believe in Podemos” and who demand that the party continue. “being a useful tool”. Without mentioning it, she responded like this to the words of Sumar’s spokesperson, Martha Loiswhich considered the breakup as “disloyalty” to voters.

“It is very evident that we need in this Congress and in this country a voice that speaks clearly and that says loud and clear that what we are seeing in Palestine is a genocide and that Netanyahu must be stopped,” Belarra stressed, surrounded by the other four Podemos deputies. Next, she indicated that they would have liked not to have to break up with Díaz, but that “there was no other choice.”
